
Ephesian 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
You've been working hard all school year. Finally, it's time for a break, but how many episodes of your favorite T.V. show can you watch? Is it really a good thing to sleep until 3 p.m. every day of the summer? And remember there are only so many continuous hours you can play video games until your brain turns to mush. Some people actually think that being on facebook all day constitutes as doing something constructive. God's word has a lot to say about how to spend your summer vacation.
Ecclesiastes 3:2 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven.
Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
1. Get Some Rest.
You have been working hard all year long, so some good rest is well deserved, but don't let it get out of control. God created rest. In fact, he was the first one to ever rest.
Genesis 2:2-3 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
God also created something else call “moderation” or “temperance” which means self-control. Temperance is a fruit of the Spirit. This means that as we grow spiritually we will be able to have control over ourselves, our desires, and feelings. Scientifically if you lay around all day you will just continue to feel tired, lazy, and lethargic. Get some rest, but then get up and get control of yourself.
Proverbs 6:9-11 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? 10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.
The wisest man every, Solomon, wants to know how long you plan on sleeping. He also warns that poverty comes like a traveler (getting closer to his destination all the time) and want (having a need) like a robber. It is going to catch up with you and take success from you.
2. Plan a fun activity with your friends.
Spending time with your friends building relationships and making memories an important part of life. Instead of just laying around texting them all day, make some plans to go do something. Perhaps your friend has a project they have to do for their parents this summer. Go help them. Remember, relationships are built on met needs. Purposefully try to meet a need in your friends life and watch the relationship grow. Maybe you could take them to McDonalds or to go play some miniature golf. Bring them to my house and I'll beat you both in NCAA football. It could be constructive or not so much, but make sure that you interact with some human beings this summer. Make sure your best friend isn't the T.V. Or the Internet. These activities are idle, and an idle mind is the devil's workshop.
Proverbs 18:24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
3. Plan a game/movie night with your family.
Imagine the shock of your parents when they come home from work. The house is clean, and you are too. Dinner is made. It doesn't matter that it is hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. Just the fact that you made dinner will be a blessing. The table is set, and soft music is being played in the background. They sit down and you serve them dinner. After dinner, you announce that you have prepared a night of entertainment. It may be a board game, or an old home video, perhaps just looking through old family photos and asking questions about their childhood. I know this all may sound a little strange, but I believe this will be a night you will never forget. It sure beats the alternative of spending the night staring at a computer screen waiting for one of your friends to sign in on facebook.
Ephesians 6:2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
Trust me, after you parents pick themselves up off the floor, you are going to have a fun night.
4. Be Faithful to Church
It still amazes me how many teenagers say they are bored during the summer with nothing to do but they aren't faithful to church. And not just the church services but also the teen activities like camp, neighborhood bible time, the All-Nighter, after church fellowships, etc. Not only is this suggestion commanded of God, beneficial to your spiritual growth, but it will also just give you something to do. Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night and other random times throughout the week.
Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Forsaking mean “to take lightly” We know being in church is a big deal, but when we skip church because we stayed up until 3:30 a.m. or because we want to play xbox some more we are telling God by our actions that church is no big deal. I know you don't think that, so let me encourage you to not act like that either. Be in church every chance you get, and you'll grow spiritually this summer.
5. Read your Bible.
For whatever reason, it seems like the more time we have, the more time we waste. When a schedule is slammed full of stuff, we use every minute wisely in order to get everything done. However, when we have a lot of time, we usually push back important activities and tell ourselves that we'll do them later. Don't believe yourselves. Make reading your Bible a priority each and every day. We have several good devotional books at church that will help guide you through God's word. You could also study a character in the Bible like Joshua, Ruth, or Paul. One of the wisest activities you could do this summer is spending some time reading and thinking on God's word.
6. Read a good Christian biography.
Hold a just a second. I know its summer time and reading is something reserved for months that don't sound like June, July, and August, but reading a good Christian biography is not like reading an ordinary book. We have several interesting biographies on great missionaries and people how used their lives to make a difference for the Lord. These books are good to read because they will strengthen and stretch your faith. They will also give you new ideas of how you can serve God.
Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Christians from the past are an encouragement to us as Christians today. You will be greatly challenged as you read about their walk with God.
7. Contact your friends about coming to church with you.
This should be really easy, your friends are bored too. They need something to do this summer, so bring them to church with you. Summer break is from school, but it is never a time to stop carrying for lost souls. Colossians tells us to make wise use of our time concerning reaching people we know with the gospel. Never waste an opportunity to make a deposit into their spiritual life.
Colossians 4:5 Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming
the time.
8. Write thank you notes to people who have made an impact on your life this past school year.
The Bible tells us that one of the signs of the last days will be that people will be unthankful. 2 Timothy 3:1-2 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. When you start to make a list of people that have invested in your life, it may keep you busy the rest of the summer writing notes to them. Teachers, parents, grandparents, youth workers, friends, coaches, pastors, and other people at church. These people spend a good deal of time investing in your life. Take a few moments and say thank you. You'll be amazed how your attitude of gratitude will help you to grow and strengthen your relationship with those who invest in your life. Don't be a sign of the last days.
9. Make a prayer list of 10 items each day and pray for them.
Perhaps the most effective exercise you could do this summer is prayer. Imagine being able to have a conversation with important people everyday of the summer. The President, Congressmen, Lawyers, Movie Stars, Professional Athletes. Not only would you get to talk to them, but they want to do favors for you. They want to help you with your problems, relationships, desires, and questions. Well the truth is that most of those people don't have time for us, but there is someone greater than all those types of people and he is waiting to hear and help us.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
If you prayed for 10 different needs every day this summer. It would take about 10-20 a day, and at the end of the summer you would have prayed for over 900 needs. Its amazing how small things add up in a hurry. You can accomplish a great deal this summer by moving heaven and earth with your prayers.
10. Do something each week to spend time with you siblings.
For some of you, this may be the toughest task of the whole summer. More than likely your siblings are the people you will spend more time with this summer than anyone else, so it makes sense to develop a good relationship with them. If they are older, you will most likely have to ask them to do something with you, but if they are younger, just tell them (no you can ask them too, but I know what their answer will be). Make sure it is something that they like to do. Guys, it may mean playing house with your 5 year old sister. Ladies, it could be playing cops and robbers outside in the heat. Whatever it is, this will benefit you in two ways. #1 This exercise will help you develop an attitude of serving others, and putting their desires in front of yours. #2 This exercise will strengthen your relationship with your sibling(s). This is important because the stronger your relationship is the more spiritual influence you can have in their life.
Philippians 2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
I realize if you are 16 years old that playing house may not be cool, but understand life isn't always about being cool. When your life is over, you won't wonder if you were cool. You will wonder if you had an impact on anyone's life.
11. Work
I realize this may be the last thing on your mind, but if you sit around the house all summer long you are wasting your life. Maybe you could get a job, and start saving for a car or for college. I believe that any diligent young person with a lawn mover could almost make enough money during the summer to buy an old car. I know life isn't all about money, but life isn't all about laying on the couch all summer long either. Here's what I'm saying. At the end of the summer you'll go back to school, and those who worked all summer will have something to show for it, and those who sat on the couch will have the highest video game score.
Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
If you ever want something in life you won't get it by waiting around for someone to give it to you. “But wait Pastor Matt, my parents won't let me get a job.” Okay, then work around the house. But my parents won't pay me money. No, but they will give you a roof over your head, a comfortable bed to sleep in, clothes to wear, and food to eat. But how do I get a car out of that. If you make it your job to clean your room every day, make your bed every day, mow the lawn every week, wash the dishes every day, wash your Dad's car every week, vacuum the car out every week, not only will your parents love me for suggesting such a thing, but you will learn something that will pay you big time in the future when you can get a job. It is called a work ethic. You will learn how to work. There are many people in the world that don't know how to do this. They sit around waiting for someone to give them something, and they end up being miserable because they aren't working, and broke because no one is going to give you enough money to rich.
2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
If your parents don't want you to work around your house, call me, I have a house and plenty of work around the church to do as well.
12. Make a new friend at church
Making new friends is not easy. It takes a lot of work, but it is a rewarding task. You could make it your personal mission to be at every church service this summer and get to know someone each week. Trying coming into the youth room and introducing yourself to someone you really don't know. Ask them if you can sit by them in the service. Then ask them some of the following questions to get to know them better.
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What grade are you in?
What have you been doing this summer?
Are you going on vacation?
Do you want to go to the Wilds?
How long have you been coming to Church?
Do you have brothers and sisters?
What is your favorite ___________?
Do you like sports?
Where do you like to eat?
What is your favorite Andy Griffith episode?
Luke 10:33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
You might even be able to ask the to do something with you during the summer. If I could pick any job for you to do this summer, it would be this one. There is no better way to build and grow a youth group than when teens start going out of their way to make friends.
13. Plan to spend time with your youth pastor and his wife
If all else fails and you find yourself sitting on the couch saying, “I'm bored. I need something to do.” Call me (352) 454-6100 or my wife (352) 445-5351. We are very busy people, but we love spending time with you all teens. You may think we are boring, but that really won't matter since you bored sitting at home being boring. I guarantee if you hang out with us for a day you will have the time of your life. It may even be better than going to Disney World. Well, almost. Maybe you could help us do a few things around the church, or go out to lunch. Perhaps we could visit a few people and invite them to church. I have been working very hard this April in May so that I can spend more time with you all this summer. If you don't call us, we may be calling you. There would be few things more enjoyable for me than spending time with you this summer. I have a play station, 8 Baby Einstein DVD', keys to the gym, a football, and money to go to lunch with. Call us! We would love it!
2 Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
Lets go fishing, or golfing, or something else besides sitting, sleeping, or snacking your summer away.